Frequently Asked Questions!

Hello, fellow scat kinksters! I bet you’re all wondering about me, the girl behind the mask, what I’m like, how I got into scat, and how much I enjoy doing what I do! I’ve had a scat fetish for years before I even began filming my naughty fun over 6 years ago...

I’m so grateful that I can make a living off a kink I once struggled so much with it.Like many in our community, I had my own difficulty journey towards acceptance. Truth be told, I actually used to feel suicidal shame and self-loathing over my scat fetish… in desperation I finally came out to some trusted friends, a select few in the scat community via forums, and over time I eventually came to embrace it and see that there’s nothing wrong with having this fetish, and that the shame itself was the problem, not the kink. I eventually leaned into making videos, and my success skyrocketed. I’m now a full time scat porn model.
Scat is a victory for me!

I get tons of questions from the scat community, and have done several AMAs, and even an interview with underground French magazine Distorsion in 2016.

Why the new website? What happened to You’re not retiring, are you?!

Don’t you worry, I’m not retiring. Scat fetish for life! ;) As some of you know, I was the top seller at the Scatshop Network for over 5 years, taking after my retired predecessor PooAlexa! They gave me my own website on their network, which came with exclusive terms and conditions. While selling there was a blessing and I’m super grateful for the opportunity, eventually these terms and conditions no longer fit my lifetsyle needs, which have changed over time. Now I sell on the Scatbook network!

When did you realize that you wanted to try scat, or enjoyed it?

It was a slow process for me. Accepting I had this fetish and that it was OK was a long first step. I started watching scat porn when I was 18-19, and you know, fetishes slowly pick up in intensity. It wasn’t until years went by that I wanted to try it myself–but I was hesitant, because I didn’t have any medical testimony that scat play could be safe, and I wasn’t willing to just listen on hearsay.

It wasn’t until I read this article on Gawker where lots of (legit, check them out) medical professionals answered the question, “Can you eat your own poop?” and answered that, more or less, yes. You can, and since it’s your own, that’s safe. So I let the thought sit for a while. I stalled, not knowing if I wanted to jump the bridge from porn-only to porn-and-play. But over time I made a conscious choice to give it a go. And yes, I’ve enjoyed it! (Eating your own poop isn’t so safe if you’re immune-compromised in any way, however. Read my Health Disclaimer on the About Me section!)

Will you ever consider having a male or female scat slave on your videos?

I’ve already filmed a bit with my boyfriend! But we’re on equal terms, he’s not really a slave, haha. Fetishes last a lifetime and I don’t plan on retiring, so perhaps one day! If I did, it would be just feeding and they’d have to be vetted. For right now, I’m not looking for or open to doing meet ups with models, fans or slaves. Sorry!

Are you in a relationship, and if so, does your partner know about what you do?

I am! I’ve been in a monogamous relationship with my man for a few years now :) He’s very supportive, kinky and open-minded. He’s been slowly getting more and more turned on by scat since we met as well, and we’ve done some light play. We’re looking forward to building things up over time and doing more It’s very exciting and to be honest, it brings out the shy girl in me! So we’re taking our time. Who would have thought, right? LOL We don’t film together often as it messes up my workflow (and we find we have more fun together with the camera turned off!)

What turns you on the most imagining what we do with your shit turds once we get them delivered? Maybe eating them? Jerk off with them?

I love the mental image of guys beating it to my shit and fucking my shit piles with their cocks...

Have you ever experimented scat sex in your private life with somebody guy or girl and if so what do you prefer guy or girl for scat play?

I’ve experimented a bit with my boyfriend, and I had a pleasant scat encounter with another guy I met through Fetlife a few years back! He popped my scat cherry and I wish him well! I’m happily monogamous with my boyfriend!

You said your scat fetish started when you were 18/19, but did you have any interest going back further than that? Many people with this fetish began in childhood.

I remember bumping into scat porn online before I was 18/19 via pop-up ads, and turning away in confused disgust. It literally had no appeal to me, and I couldn’t understand why anyone else would like it. But, I do have some memories of having vague and occasional interest in poop when I was very little. But I also think that’s kinda common. It wasn’t with a sexual interest back then, all just curiosity and exploring the world.

Why don’t you taste or eat your shit in all your videos?

No one has ever been able to pay me to eat or lick my shit! Ever :) Every single time you’ve ever seen me do it has been from an authentic desire to do so! The “mood” is always spontaneous, and cannot be predicted or planned for. I refuse to lick/eat because someone paid me to. Also, not all shit is created equal, in my opinion.

This is an example of how I keep healthy boundaries around my fetish and the business side of filming. I don’t want to become “just another burnt out porn star” who can’t really enjoy what they do on or off camera. Same reason why I don’t always have the camera on when I masturbate, and how I get off to scat porn online by myself… I need to keep some of this just for myself, and that’s how!

You, publicly at least, have been progressing in your shit-play to licking and chewing on small amounts. Do you think this will continue to eating/swallowing whole turds and enjoying it?

I don’t really feel a compulsion or desire to eat an entire turd, personally! Maybe that’ll change, but right now, I’m happy being where I’m at and don’t feel pushed to go that far. Maybe a little further, like eating a little more, pushing my limit a little, but time will tell. Scat isn’t a “challenge” or an addiction for me.

Speaking of eating shit, it is obvious it has a different taste/smell according to what you have eaten, but have you smelt/tasted your own that was almost (or was) irresistible? Can you describe it?

Yes! Like I say, not all shit is created equal. Taste, consistency and smell all change depending on many factors–from what we eat, and drink, and other factors. There are times when it’s downright vile (to me) and other times when it is irresistible, especially if I’ve eaten something that makes it sweet, or has a pleasantly earthy, mild taste, and is firm. That’s like the best shit. That said, even years down the line, I don’t have an exact science. Shit just happens!

In the last few years there have been a number of very lovely young women who have exposed their fetish to the Internet. What do you think is behind this new revelation of women enjoying shit? Was it always there but hidden for obvious reasons, or something else?

I think the biggest reason is because it honestly pays well. I’m not going to name names, but I know a good number of women who make money doing this only do it for money–like, they hate shit, LOL. It’s just a paycheck to them. Maybe about half of them are also have a real scat fetish. I’m not saying you can’t have a scat fetish if you don’t taste/eat your shit, but when I see models who never do, I don’t assume it’s the real deal. Another reason is because it’s much easier for people to create and market anything online these days. More and more people are willing to check out extreme content at the touch of a button, and that helps open up the market, too.

Do you have any favorite scat models? Are any role models for what you would like to do with scat?

I always found PooAlexa (retired, and actually helped me get started on the Scatshop Network and setting up my old personalized site, back in the day) and Veronica Mosers to be role models in different ways. Veronica Moser (RIP, sadly passed away from a stroke) was an legendary scat star pioneer starting out in the 1980s, and went further than I may ever go, but who knows? Time will tell. SamanthaStarfish has a great personality and is “genuinely and enthusiastically depraved” for sure, and I admire CassieScat for creating a model platform and her business sense, and BossyAssDelilah is a beautiful and powerful BDSM Mistress who does real-life toilet sessions along with her incredibly experienced repertoire of cock and ball torture and more. I’m honestly more into guys than girls, and I don’t see any hot emerging male scat models with a strong brand and good video content yet, but we’ll see!

How do you keep up with demand for your shit?

All my shit sells. LOL, well practically (exceptions are if I’m sick, or traveling, etc. Pretty rare!) The way I deal with it is keeping track and adjusting cost due to demand, and I have wait times. Normally my wait times are 4 weeks average before I shit & ship, but I’ve had wait times spike to 6 weeks on rare occasions. I only have one asshole!

How do we know it’s your shit?

Of course it’s my shit! I don’t have a barn full if immigrants shitting into buckets to fill your order! LOL! My wait times and pricing reflect the demand I meet with only one asshole–mine. You can also order a custom video to compare the shit in the video to the one you get in the mail :) Lots of buyers do that too! If it’s any extra reassurance, there are over 800 videos of me shitting, and often me touching/licking it, so I’m clearly not adverse to handling it, and that shit’s gonna go somewhere ;)

Beware buying from popular models with fast turnaround times, and who you have reason to doubt actually have this fetish. I’m not here to betray my own kind, and the thought of taking advantage of one of my own disgusts me from the bottom of my stomach.

If your shit is always in demand, and every log sells, where does the shit for your mail items come from? Did you make them a while ago and stock pile them? How does that work?

Great question! I poop almost every day, sometimes every other day. Occassionally I may even miss two days. Shit happens! Every single poop I take (except if I’m sick or traveling, etc) either gets used for scat treats like brownies, muffins etc or is sold whole to a poop-buyer. And everything sells. I have to re-stock my scat treat inventory once a month just to keep up with demand. That means having 5 loads of poop vacuum sealed and stored in a chest freezer (0°F/-17.7°C) on reserve at all times, so I can always make sure that I have enough treats to keep up with demand. Running low on brownies? Thaw out a load of poop, bake a batch, vacuum seal the batch immediately, throw them in the freezer, sell out sometimes in a few weeks, at max a month. I’ve done this for years with tons of happy, repeat buyers :)

If your shit is always in demand, and every log sells, where does the shit for your mail items come from? Did you make them a while ago and stock pile them? How does that work?

Great question! I poop almost every day, sometimes every other day. Occassionally I may even miss two days. Shit happens! Every single poop I take (except if I’m sick or traveling, etc) either gets used for scat treats like brownies, muffins etc or is sold whole to a poop-buyer. And everything sells. I have to re-stock my scat treat inventory once a month just to keep up with demand. That means having 5 loads of poop vacuum sealed and stored in a chest freezer (0°F/-17.7°C) on reserve at all times, so I can always make sure that I have enough treats to keep up with demand. Running low on brownies? Thaw out a load of poop, bake a batch, vacuum seal the batch immediately, throw them in the freezer, sell out sometimes in a few weeks, at max a month. I’ve done this for years with tons of happy, repeat buyers :)

Why do you wear a mask?

To enhance my mystique ;) Also for the same reason anyone does– for privacy, comfort, peace of mind, and to keep other opportunities open in the future. I like to keep my porn life and my personal life separate. I’ve never liked it when people pry. It also helps me to “get into the zone” when filming. I also like that in some ways, I can be “any” girl with a booty and long brown hair, if you want me to. I could be that girl walking down the street! You never know ;)

The ONLY EXCEPTION was this custom video (gif featured below) where I wore a mask made of my shit… it was also the only time I’ve ever smeared on my face! The buyer paid over $1000 for the privilege.

Thanks for your questions! Stay safe, stay sane… and stay stinky! XOXOXO